Replacing tires as a result of their damage or changing seasons is the basis for safe road transport. However, the mere fact of installing different tires does not guarantee safe driving. It turns out that, first of all, proper selection of tires is necessary. What do you mean by that?
Acceptable, but under certain conditions
Many motorists choose, most often as a cost-saving measure, to fit two types of tires. This solution is an option, but unfortunately not always. It is not wise to choose different types of tires for the wheels of one axle. Specialists recommend that motorists choose either all tires of one type, or two types, but assuming the assembly of the same tires on the wheels of one axle - identical both in brand, structure, size and model. The load and speed index of the tires must also comply. So if our vehicle has different tires on the rear axle than on the front axle, there is no problem as long as the car drives freely and the tires provide adequate adhesion to the ground and do not hinder sudden braking. On the other hand, in a situation where the rear or front tires are different, i.e. on the same axle, the motorist risks losing the registration certificate in the event of a possible police inspection and, of course, the safety of his passengers and other road users.
Possible in theory
In general, having two types of tires, assuming one type of tire for the wheels of a given axle, is acceptable, but just in case, it is worth consulting with automotive experts before deciding to install a different tire. It often turns out that the above-mentioned configuration will not work in our car, because it will adversely affect the wear of other vehicle components. Often through such a solution, instead of reducing costs, we unknowingly expose ourselves to huge expenses related to the need to replace certain components of the car damaged by driving on two types of tires. This is the case many times when, after installing other types of tires on the wheels of one axle, there is too much difference in the tread height. Then the drive system starts to fail and in extreme cases the drive shaft even tears. On the other hand, installing different tires on two axles on cars with integrated 4WD can damage the transfer case. There are many more examples of various faults resulting from driving a vehicle on which different tires are installed - even despite the principle of tire uniformity for the wheels of the same axle - there are many more. Much depends on the type of car, its technical condition and mechanisms.
For advice to a specialist
However, to be sure that we do not damage any internal parts of our car, before installing different tires, visit a solid workshop and seek expert advice.